Chamomile flower has many benefits and has traditionally been widely used in health and cosmetic fields. Some of its benefits include:


  1. Calming effect.

  2. Digestive aid: chamomile tea can be useful in relieving digestive problems such as heartburn, bloating and stomach upset. The compounds in chamomile flowers can help relax the stomach and intestinal muscles.

  3. Anti-inflammatory.

  4. Skin care: chamomile flower extract or tea can be used in skin care. It is often used for people with sensitive skin as it can relieve irritation and redness. Chamomile extracts are also often used as an ingredient in creams, facials and shampoos.

  5. As a herbal medicine.

  6. Antioxidants: the antioxidants found in chamomile flowers can help prevent cell damage and boost the immune system.

  7. Relieve menstrual cramps: chamomile flower can relieve menstrual cramps and other gynaecological problems. Chamomile tea can be drunk by women who experience unpleasant symptoms during their menstrual cycle.


It is always important to note that some individuals may be allergic to chamomile flower and side effects may occur if consumed in excessive amounts. Medical advice is always recommended, especially if someone is pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication.

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