Producer Forte Vitamézes.

Friend of health: royal jelly, propolis and pollen exert their beneficial effects together. Flower powder contains 20 of the 22 amino acids, in addition to 18 vitamins, 25 minerals, and plenty of trace elements. , enzyme and fatty acid. Royal is the food of the queen bee, which is also extremely healthy for us and is also full of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes. Propolis is a natural antibiotic, a mixture of resins, balms, waxes and many other substances, full of vitamins, minerals, with amino acids, enzymes, trace elements.

In this vitamin honey, the active ingredients (royal jelly, propolis, pollen) are in higher concentration there are, like in the strawberry and chocolate honey produced for children, but this does not give such an exciting flavor, so we prefer this for adults.


The effects of pollen: natural multivitamin and protein supplement, antidote for anemia, digestive regulator, allergy treatment, improves physical performance, supports the cardiovascular system, slows down aging, stimulates fertility and helps to tolerate classic treatments used for prostate diseases.
< br />The effects of royal jelly: strengthening the immune system, reducing allergies, alleviating hormone and gland dysfunction, heart and vascular complaints, stomach and intestinal disorders, nervous system problems, treatment of multiple sclerosis, depression and gynecological problems, in development strengthening sick children, curing small lumps, cysts, small tumors, reducing cholesterol, promoting desired pregnancy.

Propolis effects: antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, pain reliever, blood pressure reducing, roboring and immune system strengthening, anti-aging, regenerating, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, aphtha, acne, oral cavity wounds and gingivitis healer, also helps cell turnover (wounds, burns, cuts).

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"Of course from nature!"

Dr. With the recommendation of Ferenc Sárkány, pharmacist, naturopath, apitherapist.
The doctor's own products and services can be found at www.drsarkany .hu website.

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