Honey tasting selection from our spice and herbal honeys.

1. Chili honey: For chili lovers! Highly recommended for baking. It can be used in many ways, for example, it can be drizzled over cheese, pizza, and meat. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, protects the mucous membrane of the stomach, is good for colds and spasms, and disinfects with its antibacterial effect.

2Hibiscus honey: Its high vitamin C content is good for strengthening the immune system, helps prevent colds and flu, reduces inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, relieves coughs and asthma, and has many other beneficial effects. Hibiscus flowers are often added to tea, but they are also perfect in honey. Thus, the beneficial effects of honey and hibiscus are effective together.

3. Garlic honey: Garlic and honey are incredibly healthy when consumed together, because in addition to the beneficial effects of honey, garlic has a very strong bactericidal and fungicidal effect, which is good for respiratory diseases, cleanses the body, has an anti-coagulant and blood pressure-lowering effect, and also stimulates the immune system. .

4. Pine honey: "Pine honey" is forest honey matured on a bed of pine needles. Dark coloured, delicately scented, extremely tasty honey, a special version of forest honey. It has a very high content of iron and other minerals, so it is especially recommended for people with iron deficiency and anemia, it strengthens the body and bones, cleans the airways and has a calming effect. It is recommended to consume it, but it is not recommended to heat treat it because of its minerals. A true delicacy!

5. Lavender honey: "Lavender honey" is acacia honey matured on a bed of lavender. This is very fragrant, very special, with a strong, slightly bitter taste, balanced by the sweet taste of acacia. A great gourmet! Lavender has a particularly calming effect and is very healthy and can be used in a wide range of ways.

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