Elderflower 10g

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Elderflower has many health benefits:


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    Immune system support: The antioxidants and vitamins in elderflower can support the immune system, helping the body fight infections.

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect: Elderflower has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve inflammation, for example in case of a sore throat.

  2. Protection against cold and flu: An elderflower tea or extract can help relieve cold and flu symptoms, including fever, cough, and stuffy nose. for sleep and to reduce stress, as it has a mild sedative effect.

  3. Skin care: Elderflower is also used externally, for example as a poultice, and can help with irritated or inflamed skin. in soothing the skin.

  4. Diuretic effect: Elderflower can also stimulate diuresis (urine secretion), which can help to remove toxins from the body.

  5. High vitamin C content: Vitamin C in elderflower can contribute to antioxidant protection and healthy skin care.

In addition to these, elderflower is traditionally used in folk medicine to treat various health problems. However, it is always important to take individual health into account and consult a doctor, especially if someone is pregnant, breastfeeding, or has other health problems.

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