Acacia flower 90g

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Acacia flowers have many positive properties and can be used in a variety of ways in the health and wellness field:


  1. Anti-inflammatory properties.

  2. Calming and sedative: acacia flower tea or extract has a calming effect and can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

  3. Respiratory support: acacia flower is traditionally used to relieve respiratory problems such as coughs and colds.

  4. Acacia flower extracts are sometimes used to treat eyeinflammation or eye irritation.

  5. Antitumour effects: some research suggests that acacia flower extracts may have antitumour properties, helping to fight cancer cells.

  6. Anti-atherosclerosis protection.

  7. Fever Relief: acacia flower may have antipyretic effects, which can help with fever.


Acacia may also have the ability to act as a tonic and may help to relieve symptoms. Acacia flower can be taken in various forms, such as tea or as an extract, but proper dosage and application is important for safe use.

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