Rosehip Meat 30g

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Rose hips (also known as wild roses or wild roses) are the fruit of the wild rose plant and have many health benefits. Here are some reasons why eating rosehips is good:


  1. High in vitamin C: Rosehips are one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most natural sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can support immune function, help protect against infections, and may be involved in wound healing.

  2. Antioxidants.

  3. Anti-inflammatory: rosehip is traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Antioxidants and other natural compounds may help reduce inflammation.

  4. Cardiovascular health: flavonoids and other compounds found in rosehips may support cardiovascular health. They may also play a positive role in blood pressure control.

  5. Immune system support.

  6. Skin care. It can help to maintain the beauty and elasticity of the skin.

  7. Support for musculoskeletal problems.

  8. Detoxification: rosehips have diuretic effects which may help to detoxify the body.


As with all natural supplements, it is important to consume in moderation, especially if one is taking other medications or has health problems. It is always worth consulting a health professional before introducing any new supplement.


"Naturally from nature."

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