Peach blossom 90g

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The Peach Blossom (Prunus armeniaca) is the flower of a fruit tree that may have many beneficial properties. It is important to note that peach blossom can be used in a variety of ways, including making tea. Here are some reasons why peach blossoms can be useful:


  1. Making Tea: Tea made from peach blossoms has a pleasant taste and aroma. Drinking tea can contribute to relaxation and stress reduction.

  2. Antioxidants: The antioxidants found in peach blossoms can contribute to the protection of cells against the harmful effects of free radicals. Antioxidants can help reduce inflammation and support healthy aging.

  3. Sedating Effects: For some people, peach blossom tea may provide calming effects that can help them relax. and improving sleep quality.

  4. Diuretic Effect: Tea made from peach blossoms has a mild diuretic effect, which can help remove excess fluid from the body.

  5. Liver Function Support: According to some research supporting traditional medicinal systems, peach blossoms may help support liver function.

  6. Digestive Support: Peach blossom tea can have a mild laxative effect, helping digestion and reducing the risk of constipation.

  7. Vitamins and Minerals : Peach blossoms also contain certain vitamins and minerals that may help support overall health.

  8. Inflammation Reduction: Compounds in peach blossoms are anti-inflammatory. they may have properties that can help fight inflammation and keep the body healthy.


It is important to note that while peach blossoms may offer many benefits, it is always important to consult a healthcare professional, especially if one has a special medical condition or is pregnant or on medication. Due to individual sensitivities and reactions, it is always worth paying attention to the body's signs and, if necessary, consult a specialist.


"From nature, of course."

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