Honey tasting selection from our fruit honeys.

1. Apricot honey: In addition to the beneficial effects of honey, due to its high fiber and water content, apricot can be included in weight loss diets and is a good diuretic. It is also good for digestion and protects bones and tissues.

2. Plum Cinnamon Honey: Plums, cinnamon and honey provide an amazing taste and have many beneficial effects. It's perfect when we want some healthy sweets.

Rosehip honey: Rosehip is full of vitamin C and, according to folk medicine traditions, it is a good blood thinner, helps digestion, cleans the vascular system and strengthens the immune system.

Strawberry honey: The combination of strawberries and honey has a very delicious taste, and it is also immune-boosting, has a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, is good for stomach acid and osteoporosis.

5. blueberry honey: Blueberry honey is especially good for visual acuity and eye health, it supports good heart function, blood circulation and digestion, and its antioxidants slow down aging.

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