Producer honey.


Ginseng is a medicinal plant traditionally used in Asian medicine. Ginseng has many potential health benefits:


  1. Energy and vitality.

  2. Immune support.

  3. Stress reduction: Ginseng has adaptogenic properties, which can help the body adapt to stressful situations and reduce the effects of stress.

  4. Support cognitive function: some research suggests that ginseng may help improve cognitive function such as memory and concentration.

  5. Improving glucose metabolism: Ginseng may have a positive effect on blood sugar levels, so it may help improve sugar metabolism.


"An approximately 3,700-year-old medical work (Nü-ci-hiang) advises mixing powdered ginseng root with honey and consuming it regularly - it will help you live a long life."

Recommended by Dr. Ferenc Sárkány, pharmacist, naturopath, apitherapist.
The doctor's own products and services can be found at

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