Tomato Powder 90g

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Using tomato powder can have many health benefits, as tomatoes contain many nutrients. Some possible benefits include:


  1. Lycopene source.

  2. Vitamins and minerals: tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium. These are important for supporting the immune system, skin health and maintaining ideal blood pressure.

  3. Cardiovascular health: ingredients in tomatoes, such as lycopene and potassium, can contribute to cardiovascular health, help regulate cholesterol levels and control blood pressure.

  4. Anti-inflammatory: antioxidants in tomatoes can have anti-inflammatory effects, which are important for protecting healthy tissues and organs.

  5. Eye health: tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, which is important for healthy vision and proper eye function.


Tomato powder is a convenient way to enjoy the benefits of tomatoes and can be easily incorporated into a variety of foods and beverages. However, it is important to maintain a balanced and varied diet to achieve optimal health.

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