Chives 30g

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Chives, also known as chives or chives, are a delicate and aromatic herb and can be good in the diet for a number of reasons:


  1. Low in calories and fat: Chives are low in calories and almost fat-free, making them easy to include in a low-calorie diet.

  2. High in vitamins and minerals: rich in vitamins A, C and K, as well as folic acid and potassium. These substances can be important for immune support, bone health and other bodily functions.

  3. Antioxidants: chives contain natural antioxidants that can help protect cells against harmful free radicals.

  4. Fresh flavour: The fresh, slightly oniony flavour of chives can enhance the flavour of a wide range of foods without overpowering them.

  5. Easy to use.

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